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Volunteer Opportunities at
St. John's HdG

St. John's Cupboard

If you or your business would like organize a food drive and/or donate food or money to St. John’s Cupboard please call Sheila McCutcheon or Lori Gengenbach at (443) 617-9211 or email us at


Volunteer opportunities are endless…

  • Drivers to pick up excess foods from local businesses.

  • 2nd Tuesdays of the month, we need help unloading food from our large

  • People to help set up on Thursdays.

  • People who enjoy cooking. We give out a prepared lunch to all that comein.

  • People who want to regularly volunteer to hand out food on Fridays.


Follow us on Facebook:


StJohns Cupboard.jfif

Mosaic Center HdG

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging. Community.


We promote a culture that celebrates diversity, inclusion, and belonging for all people within our community, especially the LGBTQIA+ and Allies. The Mosaic Center promotes a space for self-exploration for all identities. We are a collaborative community organization that serves Harford and Cecil County by providing programs, resources, outreach, and advocacy. 







Leader: Jackson Rivers-Byrnes


Spring Yard Sale and
Christmas Bazaar

Our spring yard sale (in conjunction with the HdG city-wide sale) along with the Christmas Bazaar are two of our larger fundraisers of the year!  


We always need help managing the set up, tear down, event time....and baking goods for selling.


Leader: Gay Lynn Price


Building Repair Fundraisers

A normal part of being a good steward of a historic building is continuous care and upkeep, which requires fundraising.


As the Vestry launches new initiatives, they will be shared at service announcements, on Facebook, in church emails...and we encourage all to share!


Altar Guild and Lectors

The Altar Guild volunteers care for the altar, vestments, vessels, communion items, and altar linens of the parish on a weekly basis. They follow the liturgical calendar and make changes based on the traditional colors, placements, and arrangements of each Holy season. 


Lectors are volunteers who read aloud the scripture verses (with the exception of The Gospel) and/or The Prayers of the People during our church service.



Leader: Jackie Brandon


Garden Club

The Garden Club meets on Monday mornings from 10am to noon, weather permitting (year round).


We welcome any volunteer who want to help at other times of the week as there are always tasks to do. We can certainly share our chore wish list!


English ivy is something we are constantly battling as a historic building. It can wreak havoc on brick work/pointing.  We welcome extra sets of eyes on finding new bits of ivy as it pops up.


We also need ongoing help with lawn mowing and trimming.


Leader: Renee Vesci


Flower Guild

Our Flower Guild prepares new arrangements for the altar each week according to the liturgical season (and the natural availabilities of our gardens). They also make the sanctuary beautiful during special occasions such as Easter and Christmas with wrapped memorial plants.


If you would like to make a donation or have a cut-flower garden with items to share, please connect with with the Flower Guild!


Leaders: Debi Mastnjak


Black History Month Event

Each February, in honor of Black History Month, St. John's likes to lead or hold an event to further the discussion about racial inequalities and social injustices. In 2024, we held the month-long "Race Against Race" anti-racism quilt series display and discussion series by artist Carol Burnside (sponsored by the Mosaic Center) with Co-Chairs Camay Murphy and Garrett Hall. 


2025 Leaders: Bill Price, Gay Lynn Price, Irmgarde Brown


Easter Egg Roll

For Easter, we host an event for kids/families that includes games, activities, photos with the Easter Bunny, flowering of the cross in the sanctuary, and concludes with and Easter egg roll (open-air-hunt).


We need volunteers to help stuff eggs with treats, set up decorations, participate at the game stations, and cleaning up.


2025 Leaders: TBD


Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is an annual tradition that takes place just before Lent/Ash Wednesday...and the HdG Mardi Gras Parade.


It is a wonderful free dinner for the community served in our Parish Hall. Donations are accepted and we do need volunteers to prepare, set up, serve, and clean up!


Leader for 2025: Pat Hopkins


Women's History Month Event

March is Women's History Month and to celebrate in 2024, we had the dynamic author/quilter/engineer Gyleen X. Fitzgerald give a presentation on her life in quilts.


2025 Leader: TBD


Grace Place

Grace Place is a feeding program that has been serving the community for 30 years; sponsored by the Susquehanna Ministerium and managed by its Board of Directors.


While they use St. John's facilities, the volunteers are made up of teams from various local churches who run the program on Tuesday mornings. A meal is served and groceries are available for pick up.


St. John's team serves on the third Tuesday of each month, with Lee Parsons as the liaison. Our team works with a team from St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Louise Silsby is the site coordinator (410-734-6721 or email



HdG First Fridays

St. John's has an approved tent spot for each month at the very popular Havre de Grace First Friday events.


We hope to be a consistent friendly presence in the community and hope to meet potential new parishioners.


We will have a prayer request box at our table and will have a monthly theme to encourage visitors to our booth.


Volunteers are needed to help us set up the tent, interact with people at the event, answer any questions about St. John's and then pack up. 


Leader: Irmgarde Brown


Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival

Our Fall family/children's outreach event is TBD.


We had a successful Trunk-or-Treat in 2023 and would like to try a Festival to allow for more interaction time this year.  This will require more volunteers to help plan, set up, and manage the event.


Leader: TBD


-Social Media
-Press Releases
-Electronic Calendars
-FB Livestream
-Website Maintenance

When we are spreading the word about our services, events, or fundraisers, we generate social media posts, press releases, FB live streams, etc.


It takes a team.


Leader: Renee Vesci, Irmgarde Brown


Independence Day Parade - Hot Dog Sale

The Havre de Grace annual Independence Day Parade is July 6, 2024 beginning at 2pm!


It is an amazing parade and it is recognized as one of the best in the state.


Saint John's has a front row seat to the action along Union Avenue.


We provide seating on our lawn to our senior citizen guests.  


We have a hot dog fundraiser on this day and have some other fun ideas!  We will need lots of volunteers.


Leader: Irmgarde Brown



Ushers are needed at each Sunday service.


They greet parishioners at the door, distribute the bulletin, pass the offering plates, take the wine and wafers up for Communion blessing, direct pews for Communion, and take attendance.



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Bingo Fundraiser

Our first Bingo Fundraiser was a success and we plan to do more in the future!


Market Street Brewery was an wonderful venue and partner.  The local HdG businesses were generous with their gift cards and donation items for our prize baskets.


2025 Leader: TBD



We believe in serving others and making a positive impact in our community through loving commitment.





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114 N. Union Aveue
Havre de Grace, MD




Proud Founding Sponsor of the Upper Chesapeake Bay (UCB) Pride Festival

Centered in Christ, Rooted in History, Compassion for All
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