St. John's has several ministries that are
part of our ongoing outreach to the community.

St. John’s Cupboard was established in 2014 to help people who struggle with
food insecurities in Harford and Cecil counties. We are open Friday’s from 10am
until Noon (we are closed the Friday after Thanksgiving).
We are an approved and certified Food Cupboard. We receive food from the
Maryland Food Bank, local businesses, private farmers/gardeners, and individuals in our communities.
If you or your business would like organize a food drive and/or donate food or
money to St. John’s Cupboard please call Sheila McCutcheon or Lori Gengenbach at (443) 617-9211 or email us at CupboardStJohns114@gmail.com.
Volunteer opportunities are endless…
Drivers to pick up excess foods from local businesses.
2nd Tuesdays of the month, we need help unloading food from our large
pickup. -
People to help set up on Thursdays.
People who enjoy cooking. We give out a prepared lunch to all that come
in. -
People who want to regularly volunteer to hand out food on Fridays.
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StJohnsCupboard

At Mosaic, our mission is clear across all our divisions: fostering diversity, inclusion, and belonging in everything we do. Whether you're enjoying a cup of coffee, engaging in sports, or connecting at our community center, Mosaic has something for everyone.
We promote a culture that celebrates diversity, inclusion, and belonging for all people within our community, especially the LGBTQIA+ and Allies. The Mosaic Center promotes a space for self-exploration for all identities. We are a collaborative community organization that serves Harford and Cecil County by providing programs, resources, outreach, and advocacy.
Questions? Want to get involved? Feel free to reach out!
(667) 268-1609
Our small (but mighty) core of dedicated garden volunteers care deeply about the grounds around St. John’s Episcopal Church. We are mindful that we are called to be good stewards of God’s creation. We hope that we can create and tend to a beautiful sanctuary that serves our community and the unique wildlife in our area. This sacred space is part of the Havre de Grace Historic District (and therefore on the National Register of Historic Places). It is Stop 17 on the Lafayette Trail.
We welcome community members and visitors to our property many times throughout the week: Grace Place and St. John’s Cupboard (meal and pantry ministries), AA Meetings, tourists, The Mosaic Center dinners, and Sunday services. We meet on Monday mornings from 10am-noon to take on landscaping tasks around the entire property. There will be seasonal weekend opportunities because there is always work to be done within any garden or landscape!
Our goals for 2025 (in addition to regular maintenance):
- Continue adding beneficial native pollinator plants/perennials to our spaces
- Level our lawn and reseed with clover
- Remove all English ivy, poison ivy, and Virginia Creeper to prevent further building/shrub/tree damage
- Begin a cut flower garden to create bouquets for altar flowers and arrangements for pastoral care
- Replace/repair the benches at the reflecting corner
- Share plants with our Tower neighbors for their fountain planter