St. John’s Episcopal Church is an active and historic community church. We openly welcome ALL who walk through our doors as individuals sent by God who will enrich our lives. On Sundays, we come together as the people of God to celebrate the life and message of Christ. We hope you will honor us with a visit and we look forward to sharing God’s love with you.

To draw families, single parents, couples, and individuals from all walks of life, age, background, race, or gender into a family of love and acceptance, where the teachings of Jesus are tangible and where everyone can make mistakes, and learn how to grow into an authentic community.
St. John's, as a church, has stood on the corner of Union & Congress since 1809. In that time, this parish has seen all manner of social and economic trials and tribulations in our culture and in our city. But we have endured. Out of that endurance, has come a resolve to be a better place where people can live together, love one another, and help each other in times of need.
We are a small, but dedicated, community of believers who are crossing barriers that have been created historically by ageism, prejudice, class, and sexual orientation. We bring "welcome" to our dialogue, faith to our service and compassion to our points of view. We understand that life in community is not easy. But we are willing to take the risk.
Click on each member's photo to learn more in their bio.

Now Seen: How God Used One Couple to Touch the Lives of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in Zambia.

entered the chemical engineering program at Syracuse University. Ray did not grow up in a church environment however while attending Syracuse University he made the commitment to become a Christian and follow the gospel of Christ. Ray met his wife Debi in 1975 and they married that same year; living in New York State, Connecticut,
and then finally in Maryland. Ray was employed by the Department of Defense for 36 years as a supervisory scientist, which also brought Ray and Debi and their two children to Germany for 3 years for Ray's work at Seventh Corps Headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. Once their children were grown, Ray and Debi became involved with a Methodist Church ministry to orphan children in Namibia, a country in the southern part of Africa, where they served for about 2 years total. Ray also became a member of the orphanage board of directors and later the board chairperson for several years. In retirement Ray and Debi enjoy time spent with their 4 grand-daughters along with traveling, hiking, kayaking and gardening.

1971, moved back to HdG and have two children, William (Billy) and Laura who have given us three handsome grandsons Bennett, Jacob and Fritz. I began attending St Johns in 1989 when my children were baptized by Father Rory Harris. My Mother and I served at Grace Place for a few years when it first began and my Mother was the coordinator for the St Johns contingent. I also served as the President of St Johns Nursery Co-op when my children were little and attending. I currently serve on altar guild, sing in the choir, serve on the Worship Committee and schedule the lectors.


His wife, Renee Vesci, was born and raised in the Methodist Church in North Carolina. After visiting various churches and services, they decided that the Episcopal was the best blend and fit. Renee and Fred went through confirmation together in All Saints Episcopal in Salt Lake City. They were married at St. Paul’s Episcopal in Virginia City, Montana. Charlie was baptized at Saint Mary’s in Ardmore, PA and Adele was baptized at St. Alban’s in Davidson, NC. Their family hopes to make St. John’s their home church for many years to come.

He married his husband, Seth Byrnes, in June 2024, and they live in Havre de Grace with their three dogs, two cats, and five fish. In addition to his professional career, he serves as the President of the Mosaic Center, a nonprofit dedicated to social justice for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies.

In 1987, I graduated graduated Cum Laude with a B.S. from Towson University in 1987. My interests are in the Arts and in the Social work areas.
In my career, I coordinated a variety of services for 30 people and their families. The duties included Annual and Interim meetings as needed and creating/tracking data for staff to complete for their people. I was staff Liaison for the Human Rights Committee. I won a staff award for Advocate of the Year. Job development and hiring staff were among the management tasks I held also.
After retirement, I spent two years in facilities for two Hospice organizations.
In the Lutheran Church, I did publicity for a couple of years and was on the Church Council.